Zzz HowTo:Play Music From An MP3 Player Through The House

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This procedure describes how to play music from an MP3 player (such as a mobile 'phone, iPod, tablet etc.) out through the main auditorium sound system.

On Stage

What To Do What To Look For
On the side of the Stage Manager's (SM) control desk, there should be a cable labelled “Chris' cable”. This has 2 x XLR plugs at one end and 1 x mini jack at the other Wiki Sound Chris Cable.jpg
Below and to the left of the SM desk is a panel of XLR sockets. These are the “Tie Lines”. Wiki Sound 002 SM Desk Tie Lines.jpg
  • Connect both of the XLR plugs into any 2 vacant Tie Lines on the panel (e.g. 5 & 6). Make a note of which you have actually used.
  • Connect the mini jack into the headphone socket of your music device.
  • Start the device playing at a reasonable volume (about 80%).

In the Control Room

What To Do What To Look For
  • Switch on the overhead light if not already on.
  • Switch on the “Equipment power” (large orange switch).
Wiki Sound 003 Equipment Power Switch.jpg
  • Switch on the “Mixer”.
Wiki Sound 004 Mixer Power Switch.jpg
  • In the amp rack at the far end of the room, switch on the Samson “Auditorium” amplifier by pressing the button circled in red in the next picture. (After a few seconds, the button circled in green should also come on).
  • Underneath the left hand side of the sound mixing desk, are a row of coloured patch leads, each about 1 metre long. Select any 2.
  • Plug one patch lead into Tie Line 5.
  • Plug the other patch lead into Tie Line 6.
Wiki Sound 007 Patch Panel Left Side.jpg
  • Connect the first patch lead to Channel Input 13.
  • Connect the second patch lead to Channel Input 14.
Wiki Sound 008 Patch Panel Right Side.jpg
The patch panel should look something like this: Wiki Sound 006 Patch Panel.jpg
  • Fade up “AUD1 and 2 (red faders) until they are set at the zero mark (between the two marked arrows).
  • Just above these faders, ensure that “MUTE” (circled in red) are both out (red lights off).
Wiki Sound 009 Desk Channel Part 1.jpg
  • On channels 13 and 14, from the top of the channels set :
  • +48V” (red button) - out
  • POLARITY” (grey button) - out
  • LINE” (grey button) - out
  • GAIN” (red knob) - start at 50 (3 o'clock position)
Wiki Sound 010 Desk Channel Part 2.jpg
  • Ignore next six controls (blue & green knobs)
  • EQ IN” (white button) – out
Wiki Sound 011 Desk Channel Part 3.jpg
  • AUX 1 to 6” (grey, blue, yellow knobs) – 0
  • Ignore the two “POST/PRE” grey buttons
Wiki Sound 012 Desk Channel Part 4.jpg
  • PAN” (brown knobs) – turn one fully left and one fully right
  • MUTE” (white button) – out
  • PFL” (round grey button) – out
  • Ignore “L-R” (white button) and “3-4” (grey button)
  • 1-2” (grey button) – in
Wiki Sound 013 Desk Channel Part 5.jpg
  • If the "PK!" lights (circled in red above) are on constantly, then turn down the "Gain" (red knob) at the top of both channels.
  • Finally, slowly fade up the channel 13 and 14 black faders and your music should start to be heard in the auditorium. Do not take the faders past the zero line.
  • If the music is still too quiet, increase the “GAIN” (red knobs) at the top of the channels.