Zzz Cast & Crew:2013/12 Snow White

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Snow White - December 2013

Princess Millie / Snow White Elinor Solly
Prince Michael Kim Thornton
Dame Goodheart Tony Long
Alonzo Steve Batchelor
McLaren Steve Lambell
Ferrari Tom Mackriell
Queen Maligna Ann Lankester
Chuckles Rob Wratten
Ghost Ellie Parker
Fairy Thistledown Nicki Rochford
Sorrell Emma Camden
Butterburr Josie Earnshaw
Cloudberry Neave White
Coltsfoot Louisa Wright
Campion Rachel Godfrey
Mouse Ear Beth Doyle
Speedwell Stuart Campbell
Voice of the mirror Tim Proctor
Chorus Lauren Kendell, Catherine Britt, Phoebe Marson-Smith, Hannah Steventon, Eloise Earnshaw, Kim Haxworth
Jay Turvey, Lara Turvey, Madeleine Albutt, Niamh Blane, Matthew Shackelton, Charlotte Bradley, Ellie Parker
Director Robbie Wratten
Producer Chris Parker
Stage Manager Colleen Tudway
Stage Crew John Thorton, Luke Jolliffe, Donna Morrison, Charlie Lowe, Gemma Tunley
Set Design Chris Parker
Scenery Painting Robert Duncan
Set Construction Tim Proctor, Steve Lambell, John Thornton, Mike Rochford, Ian Cleare
Special Effects Phil Rapps
Lighting Chris Parker, Tim Shepherd
Sound Matt Zelmanowicz, James McCann
Choreography Carolyn Kendell
Assistant Choreography Lauren Kendell
Make up Alison Bradley
Costumes Colleen Tudway, Jacqui Taylor, Bernadette Tildesley, Ruth Holland, Gill deacon, Hilary Conboy
Properties Mary Cleare, Gillian Jacob
Photography Julia Cleaver
Video Action Filming Josh Parker
Musical Director Judy Thompson
Music Teacher Jill Gillespie Parker
Band Judy Thompson (piano), Terry Lucas(drums), Tony Parker(bass guitar)
Front Of House Members of Thame Players