Zzz Theatre sound system Part 1
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A simple in-house produced Thame Players play, of which we typically do three or four a year, will have the following basic sound department requirements:
- Music as the audience arrive, socialise in the bar and then take their seats (we call this "bums on seats" music)
- An audible bell and announcement warning that the show is about to start (we call this the "five minute bell")
- Relaying the sound produced by the actors into the back-stage areas (we call this the "show relay")
- Possibly the use of some pre-recorded sound effects
Other sound operations might be required, but these are the basic steps that nearly every show will need.
So we will start by looking at where our sounds come from and where they need to go.
The Sound Matrix
We have a number of potential sound sources:
- CD players
- Mini disc players
- Radio
- Laptop (proving just audio)
- Laptop (providing audio from presentations, film clips etc.)
- USB stick
- The actors on stage
We have a number of potential sound destinations:
- The main auditorium
- The front of house (bar area)
- Backstage
- On stage
Mixing the Matrix
So, where should various sound sources be heard?
Auditorium | Front of House | Back Stage | |
Bums on seats music | Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Five minute bell announcement | Heard Here |
No recording or flash photography announcement | Heard Here |
Introductory show music | Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Actors dialogue | Note 1 | Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Pre-recorded sound effects | Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Heard Here |
Note 1: Being a small venue, the actors' voices will not need any amplification into the auditorium in most cases.
Typical Show Timetable
Typically for the sound operator, a show would have roughly the following timetable:
When it happens | What happens |
Curtain minus 60 minutes | Ensure you know who the Stage Manager (SM) is and who the Front of House (FoH) manager is |
Complete testing of Front of House announcements | |
Complete testing of communications with SM | |
Find out if the No Recordings or Flash Photography announcement is required | |
Front of House open to public | |
Be wearing long sleeve stage blacks from this point on | |
Curtain minus 45 minutes | Complete testing of Auditorium announcements |
Complete testing of all/any sound effects | |
Start Bums on Seats music | |
Curtain minus 30 minutes | Both the SM & FoH manager should check with you that you are happy for the house to open |
The House opens (audience allowed into auditorium) | |
Do a final walkround to ensure levels are comfortable | |
Curtain minus 5 minutes | Play the Five Minute Bell announcement after checking with FoH manager |
Curtain minus 1 minutes | Play the No Recordings or Flash Photography announcement if required (see above) |
On SM's cue | Fade out the Bums on Seats music |
On SM's cue | Fade in the Show music if required |
On SM's cue | Fade out the Show music if required |
Other cues to follow from either script or from SM | |
Interval | Fade in House music or Bums on Seats music as requested by Director |
Curtain minus 5 minutes | Play the Five Minute Bell Show Continues announcement after checking with FoH manager |
On SM's cue | Fade out the Bums on Seats music |
On SM's cue | Fade in the Show music if required |
On SM's cue | Fade out the Show music if required |
Other cues to follow from either script or from SM | |
End of Show | Fade in House music or Bums on Seats music as requested by Director |
Only when last audience has left auditorium | Fade out the House or Bums on Seats music |
De-rig and shutdown as required |